I get a lot of questions about different aspects of my photography, from, what gear do I use to how did I start my business.
I decided to make it a Q&A type of post where I can answer all of these great questions!
I hope I don’t leave any of the questions out!!!
- Do you shoot Canon, Nikon, Sony….? I’m a Canon girl! BUT I started out as a Nikonian (D40)! Until the day my camera completely stopped working on Christmas week while living in Italy! There was no way I had time to order the same camera online which I loved but they had discontinued already. I had to go to the local store and play with what they had, a friend had recommended a Canon T2i and that’s when I made the switch to Canon. Have loved every second of it but I also loved my Nikon so it’s a tricky question when I’m asked which one to start with Nikon or Canon. I loved both but not switching from Canon any time soon if at all!
- What camera and lenses do you use?
This is a very common question 🙂 and I will tell you what’s in my bag! I shoot all of my sessions with my Canon 5D Mark 2 (5DM2, Marky… 😉 )
Saving my pennies for the day I can upgrade to the 5DM3!!
My lenses:
Canon 24-70mm 2.8 L
Canon 70-200mm 2.8L
Canon 100mm 2.8L
Tamron 28-300 3.5 (I got this one to get a better range when living in Italy and shooting the amazingly beautiful Mt. Etna erupting <3 All of my Mt. Etna’s shots were with this lens! As for flash, I use the Canon 580exII - What camera would you recommend to start out with?
My best advice when I’m asked this question is to keep in mind what you normally would like to be photographing, what are normally your main subjects.
I always suggest to go to the store and play with what they have, different brands, different models, check and see what you feel more comfortable with and then go do some research on the capability of the ones you liked.
As I said before, I started out with the Nikon D40 and then moved on to the Canon T2i. They were both great and with many possibilities. The Nikon died on me and the T2i got stolen with the move, darn it! I should’ve known better!! - What made you decide to make a business out of your photography?
Honestly, it’s not as if I planned to have a photography business when I grew up 😉 I’ve always loved photography, I was always the one with a camera on hand.
Always taking pictures of my family and friends. One day I was curious about the business side and was shut down by the person. Sadly, sometimes people forget where they started from, some people sometimes forget they were starting out once too at some point.
Don’t tell me I can’t do something or try to shut me down cause my answer will be… watch me! 😉 <3 You get what you give! - Have you taken a photography class or how did you learn to take such beautiful pictures?
I never took a photography class in school or college. Ever since I started this journey I have taken endless numbers of workshops in person and online as well as online classes. I am a hands on/trial and error type of person. I read a lot and I can tell you that’s helped tremendously.
I’m so flattered and so humble when someone takes the time to let me know how much they love my work. It means the world to me to see what I have worked so hard for is being appreciated <3 If I can give you one tip/secret/advice it would be to take your camera, get out there and shoot with your heart! When I’m shooting a session I of course have all the technical parts in my head but as far as the rest I just go with it, I let my creative side just flow and go where it wants to go. I know I might sound cheese but I truly shoot from my heart! - What do you use to edit your pictures?
I use Lightroom and Photoshop, love them both! - Did you have to have your company trademarked? What process did you go through?
Not trademarked but registered. It is the #1 step to do once you decide to start charging, no matter how much you charge you need to have a registered business to start charging. You can register with your city. - How did you come up with your logo? Did someone design it?
My logo, I knew what I wanted, I hired my friend Shannon from Backwoods Design Studios (she’s great! Go check her work out!!!) and she was so amazing and patient with me! She made sure I loved the final result. Hiring a professional is highly recommended. Money well spent!
My branding I designed it, I knew exactly what I wanted and I went for it. - Where do you get your inspiration from?
I can get inspired with just about anything but mainly music, movies, my amazing dreamer son and just the beauty of life. - Do you offer mentoring sessions?
Yes I do! I love teaching others! Message me for details if interested.
I hope this help some and answer some questions a lot of you had for me! Happy Tuesday everyone!!